Vztah spirály, dechu a mysli

Vztah spirály, dechu a mysli

Je Ki a dech to samé, nebo je potřeba dýchat co nejvíce do podbřišku a ki vést z konce kostrče odděleně?


Dech, Ki a spirála jsou jedno a to samé.  Pokud je vaše koncentrace hluboká, mysl  jde do spirály (ztotožní se se spirálou) – když mysl přejde zcela do spirály -  všechno se stane jednou věcí - a nakonec dokonce i fyzické tělo vejde do spirály.  Tedy mysl, tělo, duch, ki, dech, všechno se stává spirálou a všechny tyto věci vcházejí do spodního centra danjun.

Spirála dělá mnoho věcí. V budoucnu vám bude ukázána metoda, jak vytáhnout energii yin nahoru ze země a stáhnout energii yang dolů z oblohy. V tomto případě bude spirála používána aby smíchala tyto energie.

Spirála také sbírá energii ledvin – To je důvod proč jde téměř nahoru k pupku – ve skutečnosti je energie shromažďována z aku-bodu na páteři pod druhým bederním  obratlem. Tento bod se nazývá  „Governing Vessel 4  (ming-men  nebo brána života).

Spirální pohyb také aktivuje a posiluje ki. Oživuje energii, kterou ukládá do spodního danjun.

Když jsem se o spirále učil od svého učitele, připomnělo  mi to spirální galaxii ve vesmíru.  Někdy, po 26 letech cvičení Sundo, cítím, že já jsem spirální galaxie ve vesmíru.

Je v pořádku, když  tvoji studenti chtějí dělat spirálu tak, že nejde až téměř k pupku. . Mohou ji dělat níže, než je ukázáno na obrázku.   Nakonec  se stejně nabere ki z ming men.  Avšak je důležité, aby dech, ki a spirálu udělali jednou věcí – nepřemýšlejte o nich jednotlivě.

Řekni svým studentům,  aby o těchto věcech při praxi nepřemýšleli.  Pokud budou přemýšlet „sbírám energii z ming men?“, „míchám yin a yang ki?“, oživuji energii ki? „ atd., pak jejich cvičení nebude dobré.  Nepřemýšlejte – jen dělejte spirálu a nechte  věcem přirozený průběh.



Zde je původní anglický text z mailové korespondence:


Hi Karel,

You are correct when you say that breath, ki, and the spiral are all the same. When concentration is deep, the mind goes into the spiral - when the mind goes completely into the spiral everything becomes one thing - eventually, even the physical body goes into the spiral. Thus, mind, body, spirit, ki, breath all become the spiral and all of these things go into the lower danjun. So point 1 is correct.

The spiral does many things. In the future you will be given a method to pull yin energy up from earth and yang energy down from the sky. At that time the spiral will be used to mix these energies.

The spiral also collects kidney energy - that is why it goes almost up to the navel - actually the energy is collected from the acu-point on the spine below the second lumbar vertebra. This point is called
Governing Vessel 4 (ming-men or gate of life).

The spiral motion also activates and strengthens ki. It vitalizes the energy that it deposits into the lower danjun.

When I was learning about the spiral from my teacher, it reminded me of a spiral galaxy in the universe. Sometimes, after 26 years of Sundo practice, I feel that I am a spiral galaxy in the universe.

It's okay if your students want to make the spiral lower so that it does not go up almost to the navel. They can make it lower than it is shown in the diagram. Eventually, it will still gather ki from ming-men. However, it is important that they make the breath, ki, and spiral the same thing - don't think of them separately.

Tell your students not to think about all these things when they are practicing. If they think "Am I gathering ki from ming-men?", "Am I mixing yin and yang ki?", "Am I vitalizing the ki?", etc., etc.,
then they will not have a good practice. Don't think- just do the spiral and let it work naturally.


From: karel@pohadkovachaloupka.cz

Subject: spiral
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:28:44 +0100

Dear Ron,

how are you? We had a principal discussion about spiral breathing with my advanced group.

We were practicing without spiral for 3 years (I had about 500 practices) trying to move breath as low as we could. Spiral according to your picture is going up almost to the level of a navel and down. It is higher than breathing. So we did with my friends different conclusions.

1. According to me is breathing and ki the same. So I imagine to breath by means of this spiral. When the spiral is going up along the tailbone I am breathing by this area, and when it is going to the navel, my abdomen is moving at this particular place, and after that I am breathing by lower abdomen as spiral bend to the lower abdomen and perineum etc. So as I am leading ki, it feels like the movement or at least some slight pressure of my muscles in particulal area. It also means, that my breath is not that low as before. But it is anyway finished in the danjun.

2. Others are breathing in the same way as before, as low as it is possible. They imagine ki going up along tailbone as independent thing than breath. So they imagine spiral partly independently from breath, they are breathing and in the same time they imagine spiral of ki partly on the another place.

Point 1 is natural for me, but to my surprice I had to admit, that the point 2 might be also right. My question is long, because I am trying you to understand exactly what we mean.

Thank you very much for your support.

Best regards
